Sunday, May 3, 2009

sans pareil

thanks to his third wife (actress betsy drake) introducing him to hypnosis, after many years of smoking cary quit. he continued to experiment with other therapies including lsd, claiming that his life really began as a result of using psychedelics. the more you read about cary grant the more you learn how admired he was.

photos: before and after stepping through the doors of perception.

1 comment:

nipper said...

its amazing how substituting one drug for another can be an acceptable modality for science sake. i applaud mr. grant for his hypnosis technique to quit smoking! that is a hard habit to overcome.
who are we to judge alternative methodologies. we have methadone to replace heroin and opiate addictions but LSD frightens me!! i am too fragile to let myself become out of control with a mind altering drug like that!! never did any hallucinating drugs, and if i did...yikes, i would be a basket case!