Friday, May 15, 2009

the man who did not lie

john cassavetes was a modern day saint. this smoking, drinking, writer/actor/director has left behind a treasure of honesty in the form of the films he both wrote and directed. his wife gena rowlands seems to have been both the perfect muse and a deeply adored and wonderful actress. she has never stopped making films and looks awesome today but in her early films, her blonde beauty will take your breath away.
1977's 'opening night' stars john and gena. along for the difficult, funny and enlightening ride is cassavetes life long buddy ben gazzara. starring as ben's wife is the very special but rarely seen actress zohra lampert. as the cherry on top is the divinely aged joan blondell, a work of art in herself. gena plays an actress with opening night fright based on age and strange conflicts greater than her ex boyfriends (john) demands regarding working together. it is a dizzying foray into the psyche of a leading lady as only the talents of cassavetes can offer.


nipper said...

gena rowlands really kicked ass on film! don't mess with her. if gena and kim stanley had to have a spar of words, wonder which one would win??

nipper said...

then send in shirley knight to settle it... :)