Sunday, May 17, 2009

the good mother

what woman wouldn't do whatever she could to help her husband when he is ill? marlene dietrich is so famous for her blonde and beautiful loveliness that it seems unfair to be shocked by her convincing portrayal of a loving wife and mother. in 1932's 'blonde venus', in aid of her man's need for money for treatment, marlene picks up her cabaret career. stepping out of a gorilla costume and donning a platinum afro, she wows the crowd like no one's business. after her first performance the wealthiest guy in the house comes nocking on her dressing room door. said gent is played by gorgeous cary grant and he is darling in his role. the husband is played by herbert marshall. their child is played by dickie moore. everyone is well cast in a perfect vehicle to remind us all that although marlene had legs forever, she also had a heart to match.

1 comment:

nipper said...

i'm adoptable! :)