judy garland (pictured) performed for 45 of her 47 years. that is a crazy fact. in 1963 john cassavettes directed judy in a beautiful film, one that is very unlike his own beautiful films which he both wrote and directed. this is the first movie he and his wife, actress gena rowlands, made together. regarding their illustrious and entwined careers it was a touching start.
judy garland was capable of plenty besides singing and dancing. here she plays a women adrift who gets a job at an institution for children. the film offers an insightful look at how difficult it is for adults to decide what is best for a child stricken with mental illness.
once again, a film that plays like a poem.
1 comment:
If you look closely at Judy's stature at a young age..there are signs of perhaps, nutritional lack with the scurvy like knee bulges. Questions the mystery of genetic or environmental (nurture vs. nature) to explain eccentricity with the addiction crutch?
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