Monday, February 23, 2009

1933's CAMILLE

if greta garbo made a terrible film i would happily watch it. she is the most luminous screen presence of all time and i cannot explain how her melodramatic performances appear so natural. 'camille' is surely the favorite of garbo lovers for many reasons. the character marguerite gautier taps into the eternal theme of 'what's a woman to do?' from her need to come up with the rent, her need to fulfill her hearts desire, and her need to obey the pull of morality in the immoral environment she waltzes through.
costume designer, adrian, was the boy genius who rose to the top of the mgm ladder. the gowns in 'camille' are breathtaking. actor robert taylor is really handsome and portrays the inexperienced 'armand' very well.
garbo, who in real life might have felt she was too much for anyone to sacrifice themselves for, lies through her perfect teeth when she tells her young lover that she no longer loves him. positively stunned, armand grabs her bare shoulders and threatens,' i could kill you for this.' with a look of abject weariness and a voice that believes what it is saying she replies,' i'm not worth killing, armand.' 
watch it.

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