Friday, March 26, 2010


i think the only reason i loved my shakespeare class in high school was because i really liked my teacher mr. kazin. he had the cutest guys following him around.
he took us to see 'romeo and juliet' in the theatre and he made it possible for me to understand the plays. over the years all that he taught me went right our the window along with speaking spanish, reading sheet music, and using a sewing machine.
while watching vivien leigh and claude rains in 1945's 'caesar and cleopatra' i felt like they were speaking martian. i could not follow one single plot point. there was nothing to do but give up and simply marvel at the exquisite features of vivien.
as i did in fact once read music and rock out a sewing machine, many things are indeed possible. vivien's glorious self verges on otherwise. how to appreciate beauty is one thing i have not forgotten. crazy fact: she only made 19 films!

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