Saturday, October 3, 2009

toulouse lautrec 1864-1901

within his short lifespan this artist left enough images to have one's mind spinning for good. the dizzying images of cabaret dancers, the sad yet alluring women who sit waiting in their brothels, people in love with life however difficult life may be. henri's physical illnesses and halted growth were attributed to the fact of his parents being first cousins. they were of noble birth and offered their son a life of privilege. servants catered to his needs until he decided to leave the lap of luxury and travel the several hundred miles to montmartre, paris. here he found his wonderland of inspiration. the dance halls and brothels, winding streets and absinthe. for twenty years he captured the restless gaiety on posters and canvases. life can truly astonish and inspire.

photos: henri de toulouse lautrec/'albi', the painter's birthplace and home of the 'lautrec' museum/montmartre, paris today

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