Friday, April 17, 2009

way behind closed doors

douglas sirk may not have been taken seriously in the 50's but this director of deeply saturated (in sentiment as well as color) melodramas is seriously respected now. so much so that the man who made the 1959 classic, 'imitation of life' is seriously imitated.
'far from heaven' truly captures sirk's style. being that the story is set in the 50's it is not only appropriate but almost dumbfounding how transporting it is. there was so much to hide from the friends and neighbors back then. i suppose there will always be that issue to deal with on some level. the greater problem is how to be honest with oneself.
actress julianne moore has steadily climbed the ladder of success and this lovely and sincere film was a major rung. she radiates while harboring the inner turmoil of sensing her perfect life is indeed not what it seems. her husband who has much to come to terms with is played by dennis quaid.
however this attempt to close the gap of the last fifty affects one, it is surely an amazing homage. friendship, sexual taboo, understanding and the need to raise one's consciousness are all wonderfully brought together.

1 comment:

nipper said...

indeed! love the decor and color too! this movie made me cry for julianne. she struggled to keep the family image wholesome for "image sake" and in return she took the blame and shame. how cruel our society can be. shift that saying 'kids can be so cruel' to adults can be more cruel and ugly hypocrites too. we all are guilty as sin to judge others when we apply the 'red herring' game of life. thank goodness for
directors that raise consciousness about injustices.